Camels are funky and interesting animals that you would typically see in the desert. Perhaps their mystery is why children are always interested in these majestic creatures.
Let’s start learning more about this fascinating desert animal with these 15 cool camel crafts!
I’ve even sprinkled in some fun facts under each item to make your activities more entertaining.
5 Easy To Make Camel Crafts For Toddlers
1. Easy DIY Camel Mask

Children love impersonating figures and animals they see on TV shows – they have such wild imaginations! One way to really get into character is by wearing a mask.
Create this camel mask by Super Coloring with your children. This is perfect for imaginary play or if your little one needs a mask for an animal-themed birthday party!
There are also a couple of templates available (black & white and colored) for you to choose from.
Camel Fact #1: Did you know the correct name to call camels is “camelids?”
2. Printable Camel Craft

Engage your kids in a fun coloring activity by printing out this cute camel craft. Learn Create Love has a template for you and your kid to use.
This is a useful and exciting craft for your toddlers because it allows them to practice their fine motor skills and creativity, both essential for brain development.
Get some googly eyes to paste onto this camel craft for a fun effect.
Camel Fact #2: Did you know that camels are distant cousins of the llama and the alpaca?
If your kids are interested in other exotic or wild animals, I suggest checking out this list of elephant crafts for kids!
3. Handprint Camel Activity

Handprints are so fun for toddlers to do. They’re easy and convenient because they can create an entire animal’s body and legs with just one handprint.
So don’t be afraid to get messy with this camel craft by Planet of The Apels.
Camel Fact #3: Did you know that camels are an essential mode of transport in some countries?
With the holidays right around the corner, it might be time to start doing some Thanksgiving crafts, like these turkey handprint crafts!
4. Clothespin Camel Craft

Here’s a straightforward craft that you can easily do with your toddlers. Artists Helping Children cleverly makes use of clothespins to create this standing camel craft.
No need to draw the camel because black & white and colored templates are available to print for free.
Camel Fact #5: did you know camels with a single hump are called dromedaries?
Want to create more crafts with materials that are also easily found throughout your home? Try any of these cotton ball crafts with your kids as well!
5. Sandy Desert Camel Drawing for Kids

Time to enhance your child’s creativity by designing and coloring this sandy desert camel drawing for kids by Crayola.
To create a coarse sand effect, the company suggests coloring the sand by putting sandpaper behind your drawing.
Camel Fact #5: Did you know that even under very hot temperatures the camel can drink as little as once every 10 days?
Speaking of hot summer days, cool yourself off with these 19 ice cream crafts my kids loved making!
5 Simple Camel Crafts for Preschoolers
The next 5 camel crafts are simple and made with easily accessible materials like toilet paper rolls, craft sticks, and egg cartons.
6. Popsicle Stick Camel Craft

Here’s a cool foldable popsicle stick camel craft from Tippytoe Crafts that can be used as a toy as well. This craft is done by drawing the camel and then cutting it in half.
Camel Fact #6: Did you know camels can reach 40 miles per hour? That’s almost 4x as fast as riding a bike!
If you’re a frequent flyer at Cool Kids Crafts, then it’s no secret that we appreciate a good popsicle stick craft. I present to you 15 incredibly easy popsicle sticks crafts to try with your toddlers and preschoolers.
7. Egg Carton Camel Craft

I love egg carton crafts because they’re sturdy and they provide a decent body for your crafts.
Egg cartons are especially great for camel crafts because they have natural humps built into them.
DLTK tells us you only need 4 main materials: an egg carton, brown paint, tape, and some aluminum foil. Other materials such as googly eyes are optional. Check out their site for more instructions.
Camel Fact #7: Did you know camels have a lifespan of 40-50 years?
8. Toilet Roll Camel Craft

I hope you’re stocked up on toilet paper rolls because you’ll need a bunch for this craft.
Red Ted Art provides all the details regarding the materials and how to make this camel on their site.
This camel craft easily goes into my favorite’s list because it can serve as a toy, too!
Camel Fact #8: Did you know some wild camels are critically endangered?
Because we love upcycling very much, we’ve created a list of 20 easy toilet paper roll crafts that you can make!
9. Pipe Cleaner and Egg Carton Camel Craft

We’re back at it again with an egg carton camel craft! It’s not complicated to make and it will keep your preschoolers busy.
She Knows suggests using a hot glue gun to paste the camel’s head, tail, and pipe cleaner legs together.
Camel Fact #9: Did you know the two-humped camel (called Bactrian camels) we often see is a rare breed? In fact, only 6% of all camels are two-humped!
10. Desert In A Box Camel Craft

Here’s a clever and fun way to recreate the desert biome with your kids.
Designed by Life Over C’s, this camel craft requires you to use sand and a clear plastic box. Check their website for more details on how to put this project together.
Camel Fact #10: Did you know that the camel’s thick fur helps it to withstand extreme temperatures?
Speaking of natural habitats, I’ve compiled a list of easy ocean crafts for kids that are easy enough for even your toddlers to do.
5 Other Interesting Camel Crafts
These last 5 camel crafts feature easy-to-follow video tutorials that will test your children’s folding abilities and coloring skills.
11. Fancy Paper Camel Craft
Play pretend with this fancy paper camel craft as if you’re accompanying the biblical Three Kings on their journey to visit baby Jesus.
Craft Sweet Craft features acrylic gems and other materials in their video tutorial that make the camel appear majestic.
Camel Fact #11: Did you know the earliest known camel (around 40-50 million years ago) was as small as a rabbit? Who would’ve known they’d grow as heavy as 1000 kilograms today?
12. Cartoon Camel Drawing for Kids
Older children will be able to easily follow this simple drawing of a cute cartoon camel that allows them to make their camel the main protagonist in their drawing or simply a companion.
Camel Fact #12: Did you know medium-sized camels can drink 200 liters of water in just 3 minutes?
13. Paper Camel Activity
Gather paper, glue, and scissors for Paper Magic’s guide on how to make a paper camel.
This is a great activity for developing your children’s hand-eye coordination. But remember, always supervise your children when they’re handling sharp objects such as scissors.
Camel Fact #13: Did you know camels can eat spiky cacti because of the thick linings in their mouth?
14. Pipe Cleaner Camel Craft
Check out this interesting camel craft which makes use of pipe cleaners to create a camel. This is a straightforward craft for both toddlers and preschoolers alike.
Camel Fact #14: Did you know camels are very strong creatures that can carry up to 900 pounds of weight?
15. DIY Origami Camel
Introduce your little ones to the art of folding with this origami camel. While it requires more finesse at first, your children will come to appreciate these paper crafts through regular practice.
Origamite has a concise step-by-step video tutorial that will help you and your children easily create this origami camel.
Camel Fact: did you know that in Arabic there are 160 words for camel?
Easy Camel Kids Crafts
If you and your kids tried any of these cool camel crafts, I’d love to hear all about how your experience went!
Are you thirsty for more kids’ crafts? Quench that curiosity with these other animal crafts: