A person’s first bicycle ride can be intimidating; making these bicycle drawings for the first time shouldn’t feel as daunting!
Road bicycles, BMXs, foldable bikes, e-bikes—the types of bikes alone can leave one overwhelmed.
That’s why I’ve curated the easiest guides to follow to add to your journey as an artist—and as a cyclist!
Much like how training wheels are used by beginners to get the “feel” for riding a bike, the first several bicycle drawings will ease you into becoming a more skilled and confident artist.
Essential Toolkit for Bicycle Drawings
Before going on an adventure, make sure your bicycle is well-maintained, applying oil and checking your brakes. The same goes for when making these bicycle drawings.
5 “Stickman” Bicycle for Amateurs
1. The Easiest Bicycle
Everyone must start from the basics—even future Olympic cyclists do!
To make drawing a bicycle less of a chore and more of an exciting activity, I suggest following How to… Channel‘s video tutorial, featuring a 2D bicycle.
2. A Bare Bicycle

A well-maintained bicycle can last a lifetime. Even if the parts are as basic as the ones shown on Cut Out and Keep‘s bare bicycle, it should still be serviceable.
Just pay attention to the chain and tires, which are the parts that need to be maintained or replaced regularly.
3. Bicycle Drawing Through Shapes
Drawing a bicycle is one great way to introduce little ones to shapes, just like what DRAWING KA FANDA has done in their simple bicycle sketch.
Among the shapes included are triangles and circles, and the rest are just lines and curves traced from one point to another.
4. Using “55” To Draw a Bike
Fifty-five miles per hour is fast, even for a car.
But “55” is the starting point of Doodle Art Time, not because they’re rushing the artistic process, but because it’s a very memorable reference point for beginners.
5. Easy Bicycle Drawing
Artists aren’t competing in races like professional cyclists do, so take your time and start from “00,” just like KUCH SIKHO.
It’s not about the finish line but the journey that matters.
5 Intermediate Bicycles for Casuals
Let’s switch to higher gears and ramp up our bicycle drawings!
6. Utility Bike
Precise measurements are vital when designing an actual bike, but not so much when creating these bicycle drawings.
Without any measuring tool to guide their sketch, Articco Drawing skillfully recreates this utility bike.
7. Classic Red Bike

While getting from Point A to Point B is the main purpose of bikes, the paths they take may differ.
One cyclist’s bicycle may be better suited on a flat road, while another doesn’t mind a rocky road.
Drawing 123 seems to have designed bike that’s smooth on asphalt, but the wheels of which are thick enough to withstand rocks and mud.
8. A Bike for Running Errands
It’s super efficient, and sometimes even faster, to ride a bicycle rather than taking your Toyota over short distances.
Not only does it save more gas money, but it’s also a greener alternative. Oh, and do I have to mention the cardiovascular benefits?
That’s why a quick pedal to the grocery with this fully-equipped cruiser bike—assembled by 1 Medias Drawing—is the morally superior choice.
9. City Bike with a Basket of Flowers
Delivering flowers to grandma has never been easier with a bike. And sketching a city bike with a front basket installed is just as straightforward when following Othi’s Canvas‘s drawing tutorial.
10. Cruiser Bike

Imagidraw delivers a solid bike for casual cyclists.
With those flappers fixed above the wheel, it’s less of a hassle to ride on rainy days.
4 Advanced Bicycles for Pro Cyclists
An experienced artist is seeking to push their skills to the limits, both in art and in cycling.
11. Slick Bicycle

Unless you’ve been biking for years, canvassing for a bike will force you to do your own research.
Inevitably, terms such as crankset and derailleur will become part of your vocabulary, whether you like it or not.
On the flip side, the next conversation with your bike mechanic will be as smooth as a well-oiled bike. With Art In Context‘s closer look on a bicycle’s anatomy, you’ll learn all those parts in detail.
12. Step-By-Step Bicycle Sketch
What’s harder than a realistic bike drawing? A sketch of a realistic cyclist riding a bike, which is what Circle Line Art School has masterfully demonstrated in their sketch.
If you squint hard enough, the spokes of the wheel may even play tricks with your vision. That’s how impressive this art is.
13. Flower Delivery
Flowers are a popular item when choosing the contents of a basket in a bike drawing. It’s so trendy that Misao has filled the front and back baskets of their bicycle.
Here’s my challenge to you: something that you’d realistically put in your bike cart (fruits and baguette, perhaps?).
14. Bicycle Blueprint
It’s said that once you learn how to ride a bike, the skill will remain with you forever.
Learning such art principles as perspective will equip an artist for life, too. Of course, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills with sketches such as this one brought by Sketch A Day.
4 Bicycle Essentials
15. Bicycle Helmet
On the road, safety must be the top priority. Moshley Drawings sends us off with the most important protective gear a cyclist can wear—the helmet.
A brightly-colored helmet—like a neon yellow-green, for example—can add to your visibility on the road, but that detail isn’t as essential when designing your helmet drawing (one with a dark blue aesthetic is something that I would put on paper).
16. Hand Air Pump
The hassle of running a flat tire is unimaginable. For a car, at least.
Today, the smallest of bike pumps can fit a pocket in a bag. And it’s electric; you don’t even need to use elbow grease when inflating a bike tire.
A traditional bike pump, though—like the one presented by Azz Easy Drawing—can be found in most homes.
17. Bicycle Bell
Whether it’s a passerby or a dog, or both, they need to be alerted way ahead that a cyclist is about to pass by, especially off-road where the lines between lanes and sidewalks are blurred.
Limo Sketch knows exactly what accessory is needed for that task—a bicycle bell.
Most people just call it a bell, but since it’s easily latched to a bike handle, it’s apt to call it bike bell.
18. Sports Bottle
Some suggest that biking burns more fat than running. While that’s up for debate, there’s no arguing that going on a bike ride, even if it’s a short one, can leave any cyclist feeling thirsty.
A sports bottle is therefore a must on these rides, and Sherry Drawings is kind enough to show us how to draw one that will fit nicely in the bike bottle holder.
On a Roll With These Bicycle Drawings
To reach your destination, take one little step at a time. Or in this case, one pedal at a time. These bicycle drawings will carry you to your artistic goals faster than you imagine.
To practice your drawing more, pedal over to our other drawing lists: